User’s Guide
Heater Problems
No heat and
display of ‘OH’
1. In some situations, the numerical temperature
display may read ‘OH’ (overheat) and the spa will
not heat until reset. To fix this problem, please
use the following procedure:
A. If the spa water is still warm (over 104°F /
40°C), unplug the power pack and let the
water cool to below 104°F / 40°F. (Use a
thermometer to verify the temperature.)
B. Plug the power pack back in and press
the small reset button directly below the
temperature display. is will clear the
‘OH’ message and the spa will resume
normal operations.
Should this problem occur repeatedly,
please call our customer support for further
Symptom Solution
Water leaks from
between the power
pack and the spa
1. e two small hand tight connections leading to
the spa are leaking: ere is a garden hose washer
on the inside of each of these connections. Ensure
these washers are in place.
2. Blower loop O-Ring may be loose: Ensure that
the O-Ring is seated properly on the inside of the
largest pipe leading to the spa.
Leak at the close
out seam of the
1. On the outside of the vinyl there is a location where
the bottom weld meets the side weld. Ensure that
water is not leaking from this location. is seam
may be glued with standard vinyl cement.
Water leaks from
bottom of power
1. Look on the underside of the black power pack.
If water is coming out the bottom of the pack
then the plumbing or pressure switch is leaking.
Contact the manufacturer for instructions.