My Journal 14
My Journal
My Journal is a handy place for you to keep clippings of websites and other
information you may want to refer to later. You can organize the information
you wish to view from a number of sources on a single, easy-to-view page.
Open Acer Ring and scroll through the AppCards to My Journal. Tap the
AppCard to open the application.
Website content is automatically updated each time you open the journal page.
Use the tabs along the top of the screen to switch between your journal pages,
or tap the icons on the toolbar to perform various functions.
No. Item Description
1 Web clip Crop a part of the web page for use in My
2 Edit Edit the content on the journal pages.
3 Help View the help file.
4 Minimize Minimizes My Journal.
5 Close Closes My Journal.
6 Tabs Shows the pages in your journal.