
Appendix B Notic es
Notice: Canadian users
This C lass B digital a ppa ratus meets a ll requirements of the C a nadian
Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Remarque à lintention des utilisateurs canadiens
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respected toutes les exigences du
Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du C a na da .
Modem notices
This equipment c omplies with Part 68 of the FC C rules. Loc ated on the
bottom side of the modem is a label that contains, among other information,
the FC C Registration Number and Ringer Equivalenc e Number (REN) for this
equipment. Upon request, you must provide this information to your
telephone c ompany.
If your telephone equipment c auses harm to the telephone network, the
telephone c ompany may disc ontinue your service temporarily. If possible,
they will notify you in advanc e. But, if advanc e notice is not prac tic al, you
will be notified as soon as possible. You will also be informed of your right to
file a c ompla int with the FC C .
Your te lephone c ompa ny ma y ma ke c ha nge s in its fa c ilities, equipme nt,
operations, or procedures that could affect the proper functioning of your
equipment. If they do, you will be notified in advanc e to give you an
opportunity to ma inta in uninte rrupte d te lephone servic e .
If this equipment should fail to operate properly, disc onnec t the equipment
from the phone line to determine if it is c a using the proble m. If the problem is
with the equipment, disc ontinue use and c ontac t your dealer or vendor.
CTR 21
This equipment has been approved [Council Decision 98/482/EC - CTR 21]
for pan-European single terminal c onnec tion to the Public Switc hed
Telephone Network (PSTN). However, due to differences between the
individual PSTNs provided in different c ountries, the approval does not, of
itself, give an unc onditional assuranc e of suc c essful operation on every PSTN
te rmina tion point. In the eve nt of proble ms, you should c ontac t your
equipment supplier in the first instance.
TM360.book Page 78 Friday, September 21, 2001 5:39 PM