12 13
date-month (d-m), Sound ON or OFF, Contrast
(darkness of the digits - default is 9), then back to
Second, and recycles again.
Note: when the second is to be set, press [START
• SPLIT] to reset the second digits to zero. At the
end of setting, press [RECALL] (S4) or [MODE] to
exit from the setting mode and back to Time of
Day Display.
Display for Sound ON or
OFF setting :
(Let the current status be “ON”.)
Press [START • SPLIT] to toggle
Sound ON or OFF.
Display for contrast adjustment:
(Let the current contrast be “5”)
Press [START • SPLIT] conse-
cutively to advance the contrast
up to 16, then cycle back to 1.
The contrast setting will be
shown on the display.
• The hour digits may be displayed in 12 hr or
24 hr format.
• The year digits can be set from 2000 to 2099.
The date adjusts automatically for odd and even
months including February of leap years. The
day of week also adjusts automatically after you
set the date.
S O U n d
O n
S O U n d
O n
C O n T
1 6
C O n T
14 15
Alarm Time Mode
Press [MODE] until you enter Alarm mode. This
mode is used for displaying the daily alarm time
and allows you to enable or disable the alarm.
When you enter the Alarm Time mode, the display
shows the alarm time on the upper line while the
date is shown in the middle of the display and the
normal time is on the lower line.
° Alarm Time
° day, month - date
° hr : min second
To toggle the alarm ON or OFF, press [STOP • RESET].
When alarm is ON, the indicator “
” will be ON
while it will be turned off when alarm is disabled.
When alarm time is reached, the alarm signal will
sound for 60 seconds. Press any button to stop the
alarm sound.
Setting Alarm Time
Press and hold [RECALL] (S1) for 2 seconds to ac-
tivate the alarm setting. The alarm “minute” digits
will fl ash as an indication. Adjust the fl ashing digit
by pressing [START • SPLIT] (S3). To set the alarm
hour digits, press [STOP • RESET] (S2) to switch to
hour digits and then press [START • SPLIT] (S3) to
adjust. Press [RECALL] (S4) or [MODE] to exit from
Alarm setting mode.