Turn off the projector and computer power supplies and connect with the RS-232C cable.
(2) Turn on the computer power supply and after the computer has started up, turn on the
projector power supply.
Control jack
D-sub 15-pin shrink jack
RS-232C jack
D-sub 9-pin
Projector Computer
Communications setting
19200bps, 8N1
1 Protocol
Consist of header (7 bytes) + command data (6 bytes).
2 Header
BE + EF + 03 + 06 + 00 + CRC_low + CRC_high
CRC_low : Lower byte of CRC flag for command data.
CRC_high : Upper byte of CRC flag for command data.
3 Command data
byte_0 byte_1 byte_2 byte_3 byte_4 byte_5
Action Type Setting code
low high low high low high
Command data chart
Action (byte_0 - 1)
Action Classification Content
1 SET Change setting to desired value.
2 GET Read projector internal setup value.
4 INCREMENT Increment setup value by 1.
5 DECREMENT Decrement setup value by 1.
6 EXECUTE Run a command.
3M™ Multimedia Projector MP7650/7750
© 3M 2002. All Rights Reserved.