
45 Setting up auto-run
Level-triggered auto-on setting
Models SE and DL
Explanation of Settings
B. Action
After selecting specific filter mode settings, the instrument is set to trigger
based on Run/Pause mode or Run/Stop mode.
C. Source
The source can be set to Meter 1, Meter 2, filters, curve, external trigger,
timed run trigger mode, and a delay. which are explained below:
Broadband: When selecting Meter 1 or Meter 2 for the triggering source,
you then specify a specific value in the “level” field such as 85dB.
Filters: Octave band filters are selectable as a triggering source such as:
12.5Hz, 16Hz, 20Hz through 20KHz. Note: this is only available if they
have purchased the 1/1 or 1/3 features. To select a filter, select a an
octave band value (.i.e. 10KHz) in the source field. Then, select a Level
value (i.e., 90dB).
Delay: When selecting Delay with a specified time value, it will trigger the
auto-run after the timed-delay surpasses. (This is similar to setting a delay
on a camera.) To select “Delay”, select the Source as “Delay” and for
Level select a specific time value (the range is from 00:01 seconds to
59:00 minutes).
Curve: If the curves feature has been purchased, you have the option of
selecting one of the 4 captured curves to trigger a run. To select a
captured curve, set the Source as “Curve” and then change the “Level”
field to one of the following: CAP-1, CAP-2, CAP-3, or CAP-4.
EXT: External Trigger feature is triggered by the digital input on the curve
indicator. To select external trigger, select “EXT” as the source field, and
select “LO” for the level field.
TIMED: When selected as the RUN trigger, it will cause a delay of
specified direction between the timed RUN button is pressed and the time
the RUN actually starts. When selected as the PAUSE/STOP trigger, it
sets a run length. To select under the Source and Pause fields, chose
Timed. Next, select a timed value (or duration) in the Level field. (This is
formatted as hours:minutes:seconds.)
D. Level
The level field corresponds with your selection from the Source field and is
explained under “C. Source”.
Table 4-1: Level Triggered Auto-On settings explained
5. To select the Mode, press Enter repeatedly until you are viewing
either Level On/Off or Windowed.
6. To move to the next field, press the Down arrow.
7. To set the Action, press Enter repeatedly until you are viewing
either Run/Pause or Run/Stop.
8. To move to the next field press the Down arrow.
9. To change the Source, press the right arrow. To select one of the five
Sources (as explained above in Table 4-1), press Enter repeatedly
until you are viewing the appropriate feature.