2012 March
9-OPERATION (continued)
3 5 4
a) b)c)d) e)f)g)
9.4 Alarms
Warning light a: Thermal switch activation
(motor overload)
- The machine cannot be started; machine stops if
it is running
- To restart press 3, after 4, then 5 push-buttons.
Warning light b: Time out cycle (the machine will
stop when the cycle taping boxes is not done just
in time as preselected; 10 seconds approximately).
- machine stop.
- to restart press 4, 5 push-buttons; if necessary,
open a safety guard to eliminate a jam,
press 3, 4, 5 push-buttons.
Warning light c: Minimum gap between side belts
(box size below allowed minimum dimensions or
no box)
- machine stop.
- to restart press 4, 5 push-buttons; if necessary,
open a safety guard to eliminate a jam,
press 3, 4, 5 push-buttons.
Warning light d: Emergency
(emergency push button pressed or safety
guard opened).
- machine stop, pneumatic circuit disconnected.
- to restart press 3, 4, 5 push-buttons.
Warning light e: Full taping line
- Temporary stop of the machine, the outside line
photocell is obscured; the cycle restart just
when the box is removed and so the above
mentioned photocell is reactivated.
Warning light f: Low air pressure
(min. 6 bar or no air)
- the machine cannot be started, machine stops if it
is running;
- to restart press 4, 5 push-buttons
Warning light g: Tape end/breakage
- the machine cannot be started, machine stops if
it is running;
- to restart press 3, 4, 5 push-buttons
Figure 9-12