78-9000-0192-2 Rev C 57
B. Sending 3M
iD Marker Data to GPS
(Capture-Transmit Mode / Mode 2)
Menu/OK [5:Toggle to MAIN MENU] + [SK:3] + GIS
Receivers that have marker locating capability (indicated by ‘iD’ in the model number)
can be configured to send 3M
iD Marker data directly to some GPS devices. When
an iD marker is located and read, the information read from the iD marker with feature
and attribute data is sent to the GPS device and is stamped with latitude, longitude and
date/time data. The data acquired during this logging process can be uploaded to GIS
mapping software. For more information and detailed instructions pertaining to specific
GPS devices, refer to www.3M.com/dynatel for GPS instruction sheet.
C. Path Mapping with GPS
The 3M Dynatel
Cable and Pipe Locators 2500 Series are compatible with hand-
held GPS devices and now have the ability to map the path of underground target
facilities. While measuring the depth to the target, the technician can automatically log
the coordinates of the path to the GPS device. These logged points contain the Trace
template that can have valuable information regarding the facility (owner, utility, size,
etc.) and the method used to find the path (frequency, current, and measured depth).
In order to transmit the path information to a GPS device, the GPS device has to have
the ability to accept information on one of its com ports at 4800 Baud. Using the manual
supplied with the GPS device, configure the com port of the GPS device to communicate
with the receiver.
If ArcPad
softwae is the mapping software on the mobile device, download the 3M
software application script from the website: www.3M.com/dynatel.
With ArcPad
application installed, the receiver will send the path information (locate
frequency, depth, current, and trace template information) into the software program as a
logged point and can be saved as a .shp file.