Blood/Fluid and Irrigation Warming Systems
Check the 3M
system website to ensure you have the most recent version of this document. www.rangerfluidwarming.com reorder #202524A
Maintenance and Storage
CleAning the RAngeR WARming Unit
Clean the Ranger warming unit on an as-needed basis.
1. To reduce the risks associated with cross-contamination:
• e cleaning tool provides only supercial cleaning, it does not disinfect or sterilize the interior
of the unit.
1. To avoid device damage:
• Do not immerse the warming unit in cleaning or sterilizing solutions. e unit is not liquid
• Do not clean the warming unit with solvents. Damage to the case, label, and internal
components may result.
• Do not insert metallic instruments in the warming unit.
• Do not use abrasive materials or solutions to clean the heater plates.
• Do not allow spills to dry inside the unit, as this may make it more dicult to clean the unit.
to CleAn the exteRioR of the WARming Unit:
1. Disconnect the Ranger warming unit from the power source.
2. Wipe the outside of the unit with warm, soapy water, nonabrasive cleaning solutions, dilute bleach,
or cold sterilants. Do not use abrasive materials.
3. Wipe with a dry, so cloth.
to CleAn the heAting plAteS:
e Ranger warming unit cleaning tool is intended to clean both heating plates of the warming unit.
It is not necessary to disassemble the warming unit to use the tool.