6 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
D. 1420-iD Locator Keypad and Display Definitions
[1] On/Off (Power): Turns unit on and off.
[2] Speaker Volume Control: [2] Adjusts the volume of the locator (off, low, medium,
and high).
[2A] Speaker Volume Icon: Indicates the relative volume level of the locator.
[3] Contrast: The arrows located above and below the contrast icon will adjust the
contrast of the display.
[4] Gain Adjust: Adjusts the sensitivity of the locator either up or down to maintain a
satisfactory signal level.
[5] Locate/OK: Sets the locator to trace mode for locating markers. Also acknowledges
setup entries (OK).
[6] Menu: Displays setup screen for configuration of the unit, i.e.: clock, language,
depth units, and marker data.
[7] Backlight: Toggles the backlight low, high, and off.
[8] Battery Icon: Indicates battery level.
[SK] Soft Keys: There are four soft keys (yellow keys) on the locator. The function
of each key is shown above the key on the display screen. The functions will change,
depending on the operation mode of the locator. For instruction purposes in this manual,
the display command is followed by [SK] to identify it as a soft key.
[9] Soft Key Commands: Definitions for each of the four soft key functions.
[10] Signal Strength: Digital reading of the signal strength that the locator is detecting
from the marker.
[11] Bar Graph: Graphical representation of the received signal.
[12] Gain Level: Displays relative gain level.
[13] External Jack: Not active on this model.
[l4] Serial Port: RS232 port to connect the locator to a PC via serial cable or USB-to-
Serial Adapter cable.
[15] Earphone Jack: Will fit standard 1/8 inch (3.175 mm) mini-jack mono earphone
plug (not included).
Access panel on
bottom side of loca-
tor under rubber