To reduce the risks associated with lifting and handling:
• Alwaysfollowproperliftingandhandlingpracticeswhenmovingsystem
To reduce the risks associated with tripping, falling and tipping:
• Routeairhosesandanyextensioncordsawayfromtrafcareas,sharp
edges, moving parts and hot surfaces. Do not pull on air hoses to move the
To reduce the risks associated with hazardous air pressure:
• Maintainsprayequipmentper3Mcareandcleaninginstructionsinthe
applicable owner’s manual.
• Ensureairinputpressureandallapplicatorsystemregulatorsareproperly
adjusted per materials recommendations prior to each use.
• Alwaysfollowrequiredairpressurereliefproceduresforrelievingairpressure
from the unit.
To reduce the risks associated with compression spring release:
• Maintainarmgriponuidadjustmentknobwhenremoving.
To reduce the risks associated with environmental contamination:
• Spraymaterials,solvents,othercleaningmaterialsandelectroniccomponents
must be disposed of per federal, state and local regulations.
To reduce the risks associated with all residual hazards:
• Read,understand,followandretainforfuturereferenceallsafetystatements
in each applicable equipment owner’s manual and refer to the applicable
Material Safety Data Sheet and material container label for each material to be
sprayed before using your 3M equipment.
• Thisequipmentistobeusedonlybyprofessionalsfamiliarwiththepossible
applicable safety hazards.
• Donotusethisproductaroundunsupervisedchildren.
• Nevermodifyanypartofthisproduct.
• Alwayscomplywithlocal,state,andnationalcodesgoverningventilation,re
protection, operation, maintenance, housekeeping and disposal plus all safety
statements in applicable owner manuals, MSDS and material container labels.
To reduce the risks associated with chemical exposure:
• Checksprayequipmentfordamageandproperfunction.Repairorreplace
worn, damaged or malfunctioning components.
• Alwayswearappropriate,approvedpersonalprotectiveequipmentforeye,
skin, respiratory and hearing protection per the applicable MSDS and material
container labels at all times when spraying.
To reduce the risks associated with fire and explosion:
• MustmaintainadequateventilationperapplicableMSDSandmaterial
container labels for each material being sprayed in the work area.
• Allignitionsourcessuchassmokingmustbekeptoutofthesprayarea.
• Alwaysmaintainareadilyavailable,approvedreextinguisherorother
• Alwayslocateaircompressorasfarawayfromsprayareaastheairsupply
hoses allow.
• NeverusesolventscontainingMethyleneChlorideandTrichloromethanefor