Wireless Settings 63
WPA-PSK (no server)
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) provides dynamic key changes and
constitutes the best security solution. If your network does not have a
RADIUS server. Select the no server option. For home network or very
small business networking environment, PSK is typically used.
Figure 48 WPA-PSK (no server) Screen
1 Select WPA-PSK (no server) from the WPA drop-down menu.
2 Select WPA mode from the drop-down menu, three modes are
supported: WPA, WPA2, and Mixed mode.
3 Select Encryption technique from the drop-down menu, four options are
available: TKIP, AES, Auto for WPA AES for WPA2, and AES for both WPA
and WPA2.
WPA supports TKIP and AES Encryption technique, for some old module
of wireless client cards, they may only support TKIP. In this case, we
suggest you to select “AUTO for WPA, AES for WPA2”. If your wireless
client cards can support AES over WPA, we suggest you directly select
“AES for both WPA and WPA2”.
4 Enter the pre-shared key in the Pre-shared Key (PSK) field. The pre-shared
key is a password, in the form of a word, phrase or series of letters and
numbers. The key must be between 8 and 63 characters long and can
include spaces and symbols. Each client that connects to the network
must use the same key.
5 If you want the key that you enter to be shown on the screen as a series
of asterisks (*), then check the Hide PSK checkbox.
6 Click Apply.