46 A
B: A
Table 6 describes the attributes of the LAN Emulation Client displays.
References to the ATM Forum Specification for LAN Emulation appear in
parentheses following the parameter description.
Table 6
Fields in the LAN Emulation Client Displays
Parameter Description
arpAfterCt Number of unknown frames after which the client sends an
LE_ARP request
busAddress ATM address of Broadcast and Unknown Server
cfgAgeTime Requested maximum time that the client maintains an entry in
its LE_ARP cache (C17)
cfgArpRespTime Requested maximum time (in seconds) that the client expects
between an LE_ARP request and an LE_ARP response (C20)
cfgConnCompTime Requested time during which data or a READY_IND message is
expected from a calling party (C28)
cfgCtrlTimer Requested timeout period for request/response control frame
interactions (C7)
cfgElanType Requested type of LAN to emulate (802.3)
cfgElanMtu Requested maximum frame size
cfgElanName Requested emulated LAN name
cfgflushRspTime Requested time limit for receiving an LE_FLUSH_RESPONSE
after sending an LE_FLUSH_REQUEST (C21)
cfgFwdDlyTime Requested maximum time that the client maintains an entry for
a nonlocal MAC address in its LE_ARP cache as long as the
topologyChgFlag is true (C18)q
cfgLesAccessType Requested method for determining how to access the LAN
Emulation Server
cfgLesAddr ATM address of requested LAN Emulation Server
cfgMaxArpRtryCt Requested maximum number of LE_ARP attempts
cfgMaxUnkFrmCt Requested maximum unknown frame count (C10)
cfgPathSwDlyTime Requested time since sending a frame to the BUS after which
the client assumes that the frame has been discarded or
delivered (C22)
cfgVccTime Requested time after which the client releases any data direct
VCC that did not transmit or receive data frames (C12)
LesAccessType Current type of access to the LAN Emulation Server
lecState Current client machine state
location ATM port to which the client is connected
ElanMtu Current maximum frame size
ElanName Current emulated LAN name
ElanType Type of LAN currently emulated (802.3)