Chapter 14. Firewall and Client Configuration
SIP clients
The SIP clients on the internal network should have the Telecommuting Module’s IP address on that network as
their outgoing SIP proxy and registrar.
The DNS server used must have a record for the SIP domain, which states that the Telecommuting Module handles
the domain, or many SIP clients won’t be able to use it (if you don’t use plain IP addresses as domains).
The Standalone type
Using the Standalone type, the network configuration should look like this:
The SIP clients
SIP clients will use the Telecommuting Module as their outgoing SIP proxy and as their registrar (if they can’t be
configured with the domain only). If you don’t want to use the Telecommuting Module as the registrar, you should
point the clients to the SIP registrar you want to use.
The DNS server used must have a record for the SIP domain, which states that the Telecommuting Module handles
the domain, or many SIP clients won’t be able to use it (if you don’t use plain IP addresses as domains).