Monitoring Call
You can verify the number of active calls, attempted calls, successfully
connected calls, and unsuccessful calls using EMS. To monitor call
statistics for the call processor:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com Sip Call Processor.
3 From the Properties tab, click Call Statistics.
4 For description of each field, see Table 24.
Verifying State of a
Call Processor
Use the State tab to view basic statistics for the VCX data server.
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com Sip Call Processor.
3 From the Properties tab, click State.
4 For a description of each field, see Table 25.
Table 24 Call Statistics Field Attribute Descriptions
Attribute Description
CurrentActiveCalls This number defines the total number of calls that are in
process of being connected, are already connected, or are
in process of being disconnected.
TotalAttemptCalls This number defines the total number of origination call
attempts that were handled by the call processor.
TotalSuccessfulCalls This number defines the total number of calls that were
successfully connected through this call processor.
TotalUnsuccessfulCalls This number defines the total number of calls that were
dropped by this call processor or rejected by this call
processor or calls that could not be connected.
Table 25 Call Processor State Tab
Attribute Description Settings
Operational State Indicates the current operational state. Read-only
Reserved Indicates if the object is reserved by another
Reserved by Indicates who has reserved the object. Read-only