Maintenance Section
Cooling System Specifications
Ta bl e 1 8
Equation For Adding The SCA To Conventional
Coolant/Antifreeze At The Initial Fill
V × 0.045 = X
V is the total volume of the cooling system.
X is the amount of SCA that is required.
Table 19 is an example for using the equation that
is in Table 18.
Ta bl e 1 9
Example Of The Equation For Adding The SCA To
Conventional Coolant/Antifreeze At The Initial Fill
Total Volume
of the Cooling
System (V)
Amount of SCA
that is Required
946 L
(250 US gal)
× 0.045
43 L
(11 US gal)
Adding the SCA to Conventional
Coolant/Antifreeze For Maintenance
Heavy duty coolant/antifreeze of all types REQUIRE
periodic additions of an SCA.
Test the coolant/antifreeze periodically for the
concentration of SCA. For the interval, see the
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Maintenance
Interval Schedule” (Maintenance Section). SCA
test kits are available from your Caterpillar
dealer. Test the concentration of SCA or submit
a coolant sample to your Caterpillar dealer. See
this publication, “S·O·S Coolant Analysis” topic
(Maintenance Section).
Additions of SCA are based on the results of the
test or based on the results of the coolant analysis.
The size of the cooling system determines the
amount of SCA that is needed.
Use the equation that is in Table 20 to determine
the amount of Caterpillar SCA that is required, if
Ta bl e 2 0
Equation For Adding The SCA To Conventional
Coolant/Antifreeze For Maintenance
V × 0.014 = X
V is the total volume of the cooling system.
X is the amount of SCA that is required.
Table 21 is an example for using the equation that
is in Table 20.
Ta bl e 2 1
Example Of The Equation For Adding The SCA To
Conventional Coolant/Antifreeze For Maintenance
Total Volume
of the Cooling
System (V)
Amount of SCA
that is Required
946 L
(250 US gal)
× 0.014
(4 US gal)
Note: Specific engine applications may require
maintenance practices to be periodically evaluated
in order to properly maintain the engine’s cooling
Table 17 lists part numbers and quantities of SCA
that is available from your Caterpillar dealer.
Cleaning the System of Heavy-Duty
Caterpillar cooling system cleaners are designed
to clean the cooling system of harmful scale and
corrosion. Caterpillar cooling system cleaners
dissolve mineral scale, corrosion products, light oil
contamination and sludge.
Clean the cooling system after used coolant is
drained or before the cooling system is filled with
new coolant.
Clean the cooling system whenever the coolant is
contaminated or whenever the coolant is foaming.
For the recommended service interval, refer
to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Maintenance Interval Schedule” for your engine.
Commercial Heavy-Duty
Coolant/Antifreeze and SCA
SMCS Code: 1350; 1352; 1395
If Caterpillar DEAC is not used, select a
coolant/antifreeze with low silicate content for
heavy-duty applications that meets “ASTM D5345”
or “ASTM D4985” specifications.
Note: When you are not using Caterpillar DEAC the
cooling system must be drained one time during
every year. The cooling system must be flushed at
this time as well.