Step 2: Wiring the Voice Terminals
Before connecting the voice terminals to the control unit, keep your System
Configuration Form handy and review the following:
The wiring run from the control unit to a voice terminal location cannot
exceed 1000 feet.
A voice terminal located in another building requires two Model 341 In-
Range, Out-of-Building (IROB) protectors. (See Section 5, "Reference," in
the System Manual for more information on IROB protectors.)
Intercom Numbers
The intercom numbers for a MERLIN Plus system with 10 or fewer voice
terminals run from 10 to 19.
For a system with more than 10 voice terminals, the numbers run from 10
to 29.
These numbers correspond to the numbers on the voice terminal jacks on
the control unit. For example, the voice terminal to which you’ve
assigned intercom number 12 will be connected to the control unit through
voice terminal jack number 12.
Intercom 10
By design, the intercom 10 position is the primary call-handling position in
the system. It is also the position used for system administration.
You should assign intercom number 10 to the attendant’s location.
The voice terminal you’ve assigned to the attendant’s location should be a
22-button (BIS-22) or 34-button (BIS-34D or BIS-34) model. (See Section 4,
"Using the Attendant Console," in the System Manual for more
Step 2: Wiring the Voice Terminals 19