Product Specifications
Jabber Total frames received with a length of more than MaxSize octets
but with an invalid FCS.
Oversize Total frames received with a length of more than MaxSize octets
but with a valid FCS.
InDiscards Total valid frames received that are discarded due to lack of
buffer space. This includes frames discarded at ingress as well as
those dropped due to priority and congestion considerations at
the output queues. Frames dropped at egress due to excessive
collisions are not included but are counted in the Excessive
InFiltered If 802.1Q is disabled on the port, these are the total valid frames
received that are not forwarded to a destination port. These are
frames for which the destination port vector is 0 or are not
forwarded due to the state of the portState bits. valid frames
discarded due to a lack of buffer space are not included.
If 802.1Q is enabled on the port, then these are the total valid
frames received (tagged or untagged) that were discarded due
to an unknown VID (i.e., the frame's VID was not in the VTU)
OutUnicasts Total valid frames transmitted with a unicast destination
OutBroadcasts Total valid frames transmitted with destination address equal to
OutPause Total pause frames transmitted.
OutMulticasts Total valid frames transmitted with multicast destination
address that are not counted in OutBroadcasts or OutPause.
OutFCSErr Total frames transmitted with a valid length and an invalid FCS.
OutGoodOctets Total data octets transmitted. The count includes the FCS but
not the preamble.
Out64Octets Total frames transmitted with a length of exactly 64 octets,
including those with errors.
Out127Octets Total frames transmitted with a length of between 65 and 127
octets inclusive, including those with errors.
Out255Octets Total frames transmitted with a length of between 128 and
255 octets inclusive, including those with errors.
Out511Octets Total frames transmitted with a length of between 256 and
511 octets inclusive, including those with errors.
Out1023Octets Total frames transmitted with a length of between 512 and
1023 octets inclusive, including those with errors.
OutMaxOctets Total frames transmitted with a length of between 1024 and
1522 octets inclusive, including those with errors.
Collisions Total number of collisions during frame transmission.
Late Total number of times collision is detected later than 512 bit-
times into the transmission of a frame.