recommended serial devices 21
packet-switched 25
telco 25
shipping carton contents 29
shutting down 39
Siemens EWSD switch, ordering 192
simple network management protocol. See SNMP
accessing the bridge/router 55
read-only access 62
SNMP service
COMmunity parameter 62
recovery 29
software, configuring
console port baud rate 60
passwords 59
security 62
system information 61
time and date 61
SPIDdn1, SPIDdn2 parameters 72
SPIDs 192
SpidWIZard, supported switch types 70
stacking units with mounting brackets 32
starting up
logging on 55
turning on power 53
static paths 64
static routes
IP over PPP 104
IPX 109
Override option, IP 106
Override option, IPX 110
statistics, CSU/DSU port 115
Status LEDs 124
subnet masks 105
switch type
default 71
SpidWIZard, supported 70
supported 72
AT&T 5ESS 189
AT&T 5ESS (custom) 190
DMS 100 191
National 191
Siemens EWSD 192
syntax, command
abbreviated 154, 155
full form 153, 155
symbols used 154
SYS Service
ALias parameter 157
RemoteManager parameter 62
SYS service
PRIvilege parameter 59
SysCONtact parameter 61
SysLOCation parameter 61
SysNAMe parameter 61
V54Lback parameter 136
SysCallerID 65
SysconF command 121
SysCONtact parameter 61
SysLOCation parameter 61
SysNAMe parameter 61
SysPassWord command 59
system information 61
system information summary 147
cable 174
tabletop installation 31
TAs, configuring dial-up 86
technical support
3Com URL 197
bulletin board service 198
fax service 199
network suppliers 199
product repair 201
Telco services 25
Telnet 55
attaching 55
baud rate 60
configuration settings 39
connecting 39
Test LED 131
TFTP server 151
time and date 61
transparent bridging 101
deleted image files 126
during test phase 131
load errors 126
Load LED 126
load phase 126
Test LED 131
URL 197
user accounts 60
user interface