The 3C882 ISDN modem AT commands are summarized in
Table B-1, S registers in Table B-2, and result codes in
Table B-3.
AT Command Set
Table B-1 summarizes the AT command set for the 3C882
ISDN modem.
Table B-1 AT Command Set Summary
Command Function (Example) Description
A Answers an incoming
circuit-switched ISDN modem call
(AT A)
Answers an incoming data call.
Set baud rate (AT $B57600) 0 — Autobaud (default). Other settings
are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, 115200, and 230400. Autobaud
does not exceed 115200. For 230400 you
must send the command
AT $B230400 to the ISDN modem.
%C Compression When enabled, compresses data to
improve data transfer times using the
hi/fn compression method.
%C0 disables compression.
%C2 enables compression.
&C Serial port CD control (AT &C2) &C0 forces CD to remain on at all times.
&C1 forces CD to follow the state of the
carrier from the remote system. CD turns
on after CONNECT message is sent to
host (default).
&C2 forces CD to remain on except
temporarily after disconnect.
D (ATD5551234) Dials an outgoing 56/64 Kbps
circuit-switched digital connection.