Troubleshooting 5-3
Attempts to connect to a clus-
ter using Cluster Administrator
The Cluster Service has not
been started, a cluster has
not been formed on the sys-
tem, or the system has just
been booted and services
are still starting.
Verify that the Cluster Service has been
started and that a cluster has been
formed. Use the Event Viewer and look
for the following events logged by the
Cluster Service:
Microsoft Cluster Server suc-
cessfully formed a cluster on
this node.
Microsoft Cluster Server suc-
cessfully joined the cluster.
If these events do not appear, refer to the
Microsoft Cluster Server Administrator’s
for instructions on setting up the
cluster on your system and starting the
Cluster Service.
You are prompted to configure
one network instead of two
during Microsoft Cluster Server
The Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP)/IP configura-
tion is incorrect.
The node-to-node network and public LAN
must be assigned static IP addresses on
different subnets. See “Installing and Con-
figuring Additoinal NICs in a Cluster” in
Chapter 3 of this guide for information
about assigning the network IPs.
You are unable to administer
the cluster from a remote
The remote system is
running Service Pack 3 and
you are trying to administer
a cluster running Service
Pack 4.
Upgrade the remote system to Service
Pack 4 or administer the cluster from a
system running Service Pack 4.