Reviewing Statistics 133
Understanding Current
Call Information
The current call statistics are described in Table 8.
Understanding Last Call
The last call statistics are described in Table 9. These values are cleared each time
the LAN Modem is reset or power cycled.
Table 8 Current Call Statistics Description
Current Call Information Description
Connect Message Indicates the modem CONNECT message received for the
current call.
Call direction Indicates whether the current call is incoming or outgoing.
Service provider name Indicates the destination to which the current call is
IP address in use Indicates the IP address assigned by the service provider.
Primary DNS address Indicates the primary DNS address of the service provider to
which the current call is connected.
Secondary DNS address Indicates the secondary DNS address of the service provider to
which the current call is connected. This field will be empty if a
secondary DNS address is not needed.
Data call options If the current call is a data call, indicates the type of data call
(i.e.,PPP), the type of PPP authentication negotiated, and
whether hi/fn LZS compression is on or off. For example,
PPP PAP/Compression-On.
Call start time Displays the date and time the call began.
The call has been up for
(minutes, seconds)
Indicates the length of time (in minutes and seconds) that this
current call has been connected.
The connection has been idle
for (minutes, seconds)
Indicates the length of time (in minutes and seconds) that this
current call has been idle.
Number of octets received Indicates the number of octets (bytes) received by the Dual
56K LAN Modem.
Number of octets transmitted Indicates the number of octets (bytes) transmitted by the Dual
56K LAN Modem.
Called telephone number Indicates the telephone number dialed to reach the service
provider for the current call.
Reason for call coming up Indicates how the call was placed and which workstation
placed the call. Examples are the following:
“Manual Dial by Workstation A.”
“DNS query from Workstation A for
“Packet from Workstation A to IP address xxxx.”
Table 9 Last Call Statistics Description
Last Call Information Description
Connect Message Indicates the modem CONNECT message received for the last
Call direction Indicates whether the last call was incoming or outgoing.
Service provider name Indicates the destination to which the last call was connected
Data call options Indicates the type of call (i.e., PPP).
Call start time Displays the date and time the call began.
The call was up for (seconds) Indicates the length of time the last call was connected.
Number of octets received Indicates the number of octets (bytes) received by the Dual
56K LAN Modem.