System controls
These commands enable you to switch system settings and access system information.
These commands inform you of the current system settings. These commands are unavailable when
the projector is in Standby mode.
Command Response
get autosignal autosignal=[current auto signal detection setting]
get lampreminder lampreminder=[current lamp reminder setting]
get highbrightness highbrightness=[current lamp brightness setting]
get autopoweroff autopoweroff=[current auto power off setting]
get zoom zoom=[current zoom setting]
get projectorid projectorid=[current projector ID number]
get hposition hposition=[current horizontal position offset setting]
get vposition vposition=[current vertical position offset setting]
get aspectratio aspectratio=[current projector aspect ratio]
get projectionmode projectionmode=[current projection mode]
get startupscreen startupscreen=[current startup screen setting]
get resolution resolution=[current input resolution]
get language language=[current language setting]
get groupname groupname=[current projector group name]
get projectorname projectorname=[current projector name]
get locationinfo locationinfo=[current projector location]
get contactinfo contactinfo=[current support contact information]
get modelnum modelnum=[current model number]
get videomute videomute=[current video mute setting]
get serialnum serialnum=[serial number]
Remotelymanagingyour systemthrough anRS-232serialinterface