3Com Router 5000 and Router 6000 Family Release Notes v2.41 • Page 2
1. Introduction
1.1 Scope
These release notes summarize the operational requirements and known issues for the 3Com
Router 5000 and Router 6000 software releases listed Table 1. This release notes supersede the
v2.20, v2.21, v2.30/2.31, and v2.40 Release Notes for the Router 5000 and Router 6000.
This release provides an update to the Router 5000 and Router 6000. The software for the
Router 6000 RPU2 will not load on the Router 6000 RPU.
Table 1: Software Release v2.41
Software Release Filenames Description
R6y02_41e.bin The encrypted software agent which runs on the Router 6040
and 6080 RPU2 (including bootrom)
R6y02_41v.bin The basic software agent which runs on the Router 6040 and
6080 RPU2 (including bootrom)
R6x02_41e.bin The encrypted software agent which runs on the Router 6040
and 6080 RPU (including bootrom)
R6x02_41v.bin The basic software agent which runs on the Router 6040 and
6080 RPU (including bootrom)
R5y02_41v.bin The basic software agent which runs on the 5012, 5232, 5642,
5842 Routers
R5y02_41e.bin The encrypted software agent which runs on the 5012, 5232,
5642, 5842 Routers
bootromfull9-17.bin Router 5000 Boot ROM file for 5012, 5232, 5642, 5842
Table 2: Supported Routers
Router 5012 3-Slot (3C13701) Router 6040 4-Slot (3C13840)
Router 5232 3-Slot (3C13751) Router 6080 8-Slot (3C13880)
Router 5642 4-Slot (3C13755)
Router 5682 8-Slot (3C13759)
1.2 Online Resources
Visit the 3Com web site for the latest documentation and software updates: www.3Com.com
• Obtain a copy of the Router 5000 or Router 6000 Installation Guide, Command Reference
Guide, or Configuration Guide.
• Obtain current software updates (maintenance releases) and associated release notes for the
Router 5000 and Router 6000 and other 3Com products.
1.3 System Requirements
The Router 5000 and Router 6000 have these minimum requirements for successful operation:
• Router 6040 or Router 6080 Chassis