Technical Support B - 5
3. Enter your full Internet e-mail address as the password
(for example, jdoe@company.com).
4. Change to the mib or schema directory using the cd /pub/mibs or
cd /pub/mibs/schemas command.
5. To view the 3Com MIB, OID, or schema entries, enter the dir
❑ To pause the display, press [CTRL-S].
❑ To continue the display, press [CTRL-Q].
6. Copy the MIB, OID, or schema files to your current directory using the
appropriate command (for example, get chipcom.mib).
7. To exit the FTP session, invoke the quit command.
3Com Technical Publications
If you have comments or questions on 3Com Integrated Systems Division
Technical Publications documents, please contact the Technical Publications
group by FAX (508) 229-1551.