10 About This Guide
Conventions Table 1 lists conventions that are used throughout this guide.
In addition to this guide, the Router 5000 documentation set includes the
■ Router 5000/6000 Configuration Guide
This guide contains information on the features supported by your
router and how they can be used to optimize your network. It is
supplied in PDF format on the CD-ROM that accompanies the router.
■ Router 5000/6000 Command Reference Guide
This guide provides detailed information about the web interface and
command line interface that enable you to manage the router. It is
supplied in PDF format on the CD-ROM that accompanies the router.
■ Router 5000/6000 Module Manual
This manual describes the various modules that are available for use
with the Router 5000.
■ Release Notes
These notes provide information about the current software release,
including new features, modifications, and known problems. The
release notes are supplied on the 3Com Web site.
Table 1 Notice Icons
Icon Notice Type Description
Information note Information that describes important features or
Caution Information that alerts you to potential loss of data or
potential damage to an application, system, or device
Warning Information that alerts you to potential personal injury