
PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol is a method of secure data transmission
between two remote sites over the internet.
RIP Routing Information Protocol. RIP allows an administrator to set up
routing information on one RIP enabled device, and have that routing
information replicated to all RIP enabled devices on the network.
RJ-45 A standard connector used to connect Ethernet networks. The “RJ”
stands for “registered jack”.
Server A computer in a network that is shared by multiple end stations. Servers
provide end stations with access to shared network services such as
computer files and printer queues.
SPI Stateful Packet Inspection. This feature requires the firewall to remember
what outgoing requests have been sent and only allow responses to
those requests back through the firewall. This way, un-requested
attempts to access the network will be denied.
SSID Service Set Identifier. Some vendors of wireless products use SSID
interchangeably with ESSID.
Subnet Address An extension of the IP addressing scheme that allows a site to use a single
IP network address for multiple physical networks.
Subnet mask A subnet mask, which may be a part of the TCP/IP information provided
by your ISP, is a set of four numbers configured like an IP address. It is
used to create IP address numbers used only within a particular network
(as opposed to valid IP address numbers recognized by the Internet,
which must assigned by InterNIC).
Subnets A network that is a component of a larger network.
Switch A device that interconnects several LANs to form a single logical LAN that
comprises of several LAN segments. Switches are similar to bridges, in
that they connect LANs of a different type; however they connect more
LANs than a bridge and are generally more sophisticated.