n Stations Status—Click Stations Status to view the configurations of connected
stations. The Station Status page displays basic connection information for all
associated stations. Select “refresh” on you browser to see update station status.
n Event Logs—Click Event Logs to display the activity log of the access point. The
event log resets to zero if the access point is reset. The log saves 128 events, then
overwrites the first event and continues.
The access point radio interface detects the number of radios installed and their type
(802.11g Radio, 802.11a Radio or 802.11b Radio). The Radio Settings and Security
options for the radio interface are described in the following sections.
Some radio settings are available only on the 802.11a radio, as noted in the
descriptions below. When you are finished configuring items on this page, click Apply.
n SSID—Enter the Service Set ID (up to 32 alphanumeric characters). Clients must
set their SSIDs to match the access point. The SSID is case sensitive.
n Closed System— Enabling this option will not publicly broadcast the SSID.
n Turbo Mode (802.11a only)—Turbo Mode is an enhanced wireless LAN operating
mode that can provide a higher data rate. The normal mode of the 802.11a radio
provides connections up to 54 Mbps. Select Turbo Mode Enable to allow the radio
to provide connections up to 108 Mbps.
In normal mode the channel bandwidth is 20 MHz. In Turbo Mode the channel
bandwidth is increased to 40 MHz. However, only a limited number of channels
are available when Turbo Mode is enabled.
Turbo Mode is not regulated in the IEEE 802.11a standard, and it is not allowed in
some countries.
n Radio Channel—From the pull-down list, select the radio channel over which the
access point communicates to computers in its BSS. Available channel settings are
limited by local regulations that determine which channels are allowed. The client
channel for wireless users is automatically set to that used by the access point to
which they are linked. When multiple access points are deployed in the same area,
be sure to choose channels separated by at least five channels to avoid channel
interference. You can deploy up to three access points in the same area; for
example, Ch1, Ch6, and Ch11.