8 Click Apply.
Figure 32 PPPoA Settings Screen
1 Enter the User Name assigned to you by your ISP in the User Name field.
2 Enter the Password assigned to you by your ISP in the Password field.
Re-enter your password in the Retype Password field.
3 If your ISP assigns your IP address dynamically then select Yes in the IP
assigned by ISP field and proceed to step 4. If your ISP has assigned you a
fixed or static IP address, select No in the IP assigned by ISP field.
Then enter the IP address and Subnet Mask information provided by your
ISP into the IP address and Subnet Mask fields.
4 Enter the VPI and VCI parameters provided to you by your ISP in the VPI
and VCI fields.
5 Select the encapsulation type (LLC or VC MUX) in the Encapsulation Type
field. This information will have been provided to you by your ISP.
6 If you want your Router to connect to the Internet every time a PC needs
to access it, check the Dial on Demand checkbox. If this box is not
checked, then you will have to manually connect and disconnect using
the buttons on the Home Screen (see page 35
7 If you want your Router to automatically disconnect from the Internet
automatically after a period of inactivity, specify a time in the Idle Time
(Minutes) field.