■ Advanced — allows you to monitor and configure the Router’s
advanced features, including Static Route, RIP, DDNS, IPSec, Proxy ARP,
Port Mapping and QoS(Quality of Service).
■ Management — displays the current status and activity logs of the
Router, SNMP enable/disable, and remote management control.
■ Device Info — Providing the configuration summary and statistics on
your LAN/WAN/ATM/ADSL connection.
■ Support/Feedback — contains a comprehensive online help system
and allows you to provide 3Com with feedback on your Router.
Option Tabs Each corresponding menu page may also provide sub-sections which are
accessed through the use of tabs (see Figure 26
for example). To access a
sub-section, simply click on the required tab.
Getting Help
On every screen, a Help button is available which provides access to the
context-sensitive online help system. Click Help for further assistance and
guidance relating to the current screen.
Welcome Screen The Welcome section allows you to view the Notice board and to change
your Password. You can also gain access to the Configuration Wizard.
Notice Board Figure 26 Notice Board Screen