
Front Panel
1. Alert LED amber
This LED has a number of functions:
• It will flash rapidly during the power up self test. If it then remains on the unit self test has failed
(refer to the User Guide).
• It will flash rapidly during software upgrade.
• It will flash rapidly during the reset to Factory defaults. If the reset button on the rear panel has been
used to reset the unit to Factory defaults the Alert LED will then slow flash until power is removed.
• It will flash on for 2 seconds when the firewall detects a hacker attack.
2. Power LED green
If the LED is on, it indicates that the Router is powered on.
3. Wireless LAN (WLAN) Status LED green
If the LED is on, it indicates that wireless networking is enabled. If the LED is flashing, the link is OK and
data is being transmitted or received. If the LED is off, the wireless LAN has been disabled on the Router,
or there is a problem (refer to the User Guide).
4. SYNC DSL LED green
If the LED is on, it indicates that the DSL connection is present. This LED flashes during configuration at
power up.
5. Data DSL LED green
If the LED is on, it indicates that your Username/Password has been authenticated successfully with your
ISP. It flashes to indicate activity on your DSL connection.
6. LAN Status LED green
If the LED is on, the link between the port and the next piece of network equipment is OK. If the LED is
flashing, the link is OK and data is being transmitted or received. If the LED is off, nothing is connected,
or the connected device is switched off, or there is a problem with the connection (refer to the User
Guide). The port will automatically adjust to the correct speed and duplex.
OfficeConnect ADSL Wireless 108 Mbps 11g Firewall Router
LAN Status
Alert Power WLAN SYNC Data
1 2 3 4
Green = Link, Flash = Activity
2 4