WPA-PSK (no server)
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) provides dynamic key changes and
constitutes the best security solution. If your network does not have a
RADIUS server. Select the no server option.
Figure 36 WPA-PSK (no server) Screen
1 Select WPA-PSK (no server) from the WPA drop-down menu.
2 Select WPA mode from the drop-down menu, three modes are
supported: WPA, WPA2, and Mixed mode.
3 Select Encryption technique from the drop-down menu, four options are
available: TKIP, AES, Auto for WPA AES for WPA2, and AES for both WPA
and WPA2.
4 Enter the pre-shared key in the Pre-shared Key (PSK) field. The pre-shared
key is a password, in the form of a word, phrase or series of letters and
numbers. The key must be between 8 and 63 characters long and can
include spaces and symbols. Each client that connects to the network
must use the same key.
5 If you want the key that you enter to be shown on the screen as a series
of asterisks (*), then check the Hide PSK checkbox.
6 Click Apply.