Adding NICs to a Group
1 Click the Load Balance/RSL tab.
2 In the Load Balance/RSL window:
■ Select a group from the Load Balancing/RSL Groups
■ Select a NIC from the Network Interface Cards list.
3 Click Add NIC.
The NIC appears as part of the group in the Load
Balancing/RSL list box.
If you click Add NIC repeatedly, NICs are added to the
group in the order that they are listed after the first NIC
you selected.
Specifying a Dedicated IP Address
Bidirectional load balancing requires that you specify a
dedicated IP address for the load balancing group. This
address specifies a Network ID and a Host ID, and it must
be unique (not used elsewhere on the network). For
You can specify the dedicated IP address in the Create
Group or Group Properties dialog boxes. You cannot
specify the bytes for the Network ID; they are fixed. Specify
the bytes for the Host ID for various classes of subnets
as follows:
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4
Class A Network ID Host ID
125 24 1 253
Class B Network ID Host ID
139 25 2 253
Class C Network ID Host ID
193 26 3 253
Class Byte 1 Specify only bytes
A 126 2, 3, and 4 (the three rightmost boxes).
B 128 - 191 3 and 4 (the two rightmost boxes).
C 192 - 223 4 (the rightmost box).