Each PC that contains an EtherLink NIC and the
3Com DMI Agent generates a Management Information
Format (MIF) file that contains information about the
PC and the NIC. DMI applications use the information
from the MIF to manage the PC and the NIC.
The content of the MIF is based on the capabilities of the
NIC driver found in the PC. For example, if a NIC with an
MBA boot ROM is found, all groups related to the boot
ROM are included in the MIF for that particular NIC. This
ensures that the network management application does
not receive irrelevant information for the NIC.
For a description of each MIF that is supported by the
3Com DMI Agent, see the 3Com DMI Agent User Guide
included with the 3Com DMI Agent software on
the EtherCD.
System Requirements
This section lists the client PC and network management
requirements for installing and using the 3Com DMI Agent.
Client PC Requirements
Your PC requires the following items to use the
3Com DMI Agent:
■ DMI Service Provider 2.0 or greater (such as
Smart Technologies Service Provider 2.0)
■ NDIS 3, 4, or 5 driver
■ Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, or
Windows 95, using the appropriate Service Pack listed
■ Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4
■ Windows 98 Retail Release
■ Windows 95 Retail Service Pack 1 or OEM Service
Release (OSR2)