S Registers B-7
* The values of these S registers are stored in non-volatile memory and will not be cleared or
returned to the default value if the ISDN modem is powered down.
S71 B Channel Protocol:
0 — QuickSelect (default)
1 — Async-Sync PPP conversion
2 — V.120
S73 V.120 Frame Type:
0 — I frame (default)
1 — UI frame
S74 V.120 Maximum Frame Size (range 240–256):
256 — Maximum frame size of 256 (default)
248 — Maximum frame size of 248 (for AdTran
compatibility, use 253)
S75 Connection Delay:
Specifies whether the ISDN modem immediately answers a call or waits 2
seconds to answer. If you are using Windows NT, use the two-second delay.
0 — No delay (default)
1 — Two-second delay
Multilink PPP:
0 — Disable
1 — Enable (default)
Multilink PPP Endpoint Identifier Class:
1 — Locally Assigned Address
2 — Internet Protocol (IP) Address
3 — IEEE 802.1 Globally Assigned MAC Address
4 — PPP Magic-Number Block
5 — Public Switched Network Directory Number (default)
Multilink PPP Endpoint Identifier (up to 20 characters)
By default, telephone number 1 is sent because the endpoint identifier class
is 5. If your endpoint identifier class is not 5, obtain the identifier from your
service provider and enter that information in this register.
S84 Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
0— Enabled
1— Disabled (default)
Table B-2 S Registers (continued)
Registers Descriptions