
Limitations 45
Limitations This section describes limitations of NETBuilder software version 11.1. Topics are in
alphabetical order.
ACCM Not Configurable The ACCM (Async Control Character Map) used for Async PPP cannot be
configured. During LCP negotiation, the NETBuilder bridge/router always proposes
an ACCM of all zeros and agrees to whatever the peer negotiates.
APPN In software version 11.1, APPN does not support SMDS.
APPN DLUr Connections
to 3174 Systems
When you configure an APPN dependent LU requestor (DLUr) connection from a
NETBuilder II bridge/router to a 3174 cluster controller, the NETBuilder II network
node and the 3174 must be on the same ring. In this configuration, the
NETBuilder II token ring port must be set to transparent bridging only.
ATM Emulated LANs The NETBuilder II bridge/router software supports a system maximum of 32 ATM
emulated LANs.
Auto Start-up Does Not
Include Async
Automatic detection of the line type (LineType=Auto) and link protocol
(OWNer=Auto) do not include recognition of Async PPP and AT dial. For Async PPP
and AT dial (which must be used together), the following parameters must be
explicitly configured:
-PATH LineType=Dialup
-PATH DialMode=ATdial
-PATH ExDevType=Async
The PATH service parameter TransferMode should not be changed from its default
value of AUto. Other settings of this parameter are reserved for future extensions.
BSC and Leased Lines The BSC pass-through feature is limited to leased lines and cannot use dialup links.
DLSw and IBM Boundary
Routing in Large
The following considerations are related to DLSw in large networks.
Leaf Node Sessions Support
When a leaf node has more than 50 end stations, use the following tuning
SETDefault !<port> -LLC2 TransmitWindow = 1
SETDefault !<port> -LLC2 RetryCount = 20
SETDefault !<port> -LLC2 TImerReply = 10000
Use these parameters for the leaf node and central node WAN ports.
Number of DLSw Circuits
The -SYS CONNectionUsage parameter controls the maximum number of DLSw
circuits. The default value of the CONNectionUsage parameter is High for
NETBuilder bridge/router with a DPE module and for the boundary router
peripheral node, but the default value is low for all other NETBuilder bridge/router
platforms. Change this value using:
SETDefault -SYS CONNectionUsage = Low | Medium | High
You must reboot the bridge/router before this change takes effect. Table 14 shows
the maximum number of circuits possible with the different CONNectionUsage