The discarding mode based on WRED must already have been enabled via the wred
ip-precedence command.
When the configuration of qos wred is deleted, the wred ip-precedence is also
When the af configuration is deleted, the configuration of discarding parameters will
also be deleted.
8) Enable/Disable traffic policing
Perform the following configurations in the policy-class view.
Table 1-21 Enable/Disable traffic policing for the class
Operation Command
Enable traffic policing for the class
car cir rate [ cbs size ebs size ] [ conform action [ exceed action] ]
Disable traffic policing for the class
undo car
In the table, action means actions taken on a data packet, including:
discard: Discard a packet.
pass: Send a packet.
remark-dscp-pass new-dscp: Set the value of new-dscp and send it. This value
ranges from 0 to 63.
remark-prec-pass new-prec: Set new IP priority new-prec and send it. This
value ranges from 0 to 7.
If TP is used in the class-policy applied on the interface, it can be applied on both
inbound and outbound interfaces.
When the class-policy including TP feature is applied on an interface, it invalidates the
original qos car command.
If this command is repeatedly configured on the same class policy, the last
configuration replaces the previous one.
The class configured with traffic policing without the application of AF or EF enters the
default queue if it passes traffic policing but encounters interface congestion.
9) Configure traffic shaping (TS) for a class
Perform the following configurations in the policy-class view.
Table 1-22 Enable/disable TS for a class
Operation Command
Enable TS for a class gts cir rate [ cbs burst-size [ ebs size [ queue-length length ] ] ]
Disable TS for a class undo gts
3Com Router Configuration Guide Addendum for V1.20