The following table deļ¬nes the error messages displayed by the Name
Server Database Utilities(dbutil) when exception conditions arise. Each error
message is accompanied with the possible causes of the error and solutions
to the problem.
Number dbutil Error Messages
1 DES initialization failed.
Cause: Software internal error.
Solution: Call tech support.
2 Database initialization failed.
Cause: File access permission errors.
Solution: Make sure that the user has permission to access all three files:
'helperdb.nx', 'helperdb.dt' and 'password.db' under $DBPATH directory or under
current directory if DBPATH environment variable is not set.
3 The user record already exists.
Cause: In adding a user record, entry of a user name which already exists in the
database has been attempted.
Solution: Make sure to enter a unique user name or to choose "Modify User
Record" to modify existing information.
4 The user record doesn't exist.
Cause: In updating or deleting a user record, entry of a user name which
doesnot exist in the database has been attempted.
Solution: Enter a user name which already in the database.
5 Failed to update user record.
Cause: dbutil was not able to update a user record due to internal errors.
Solution: Call tech support.