
Listening tto XXM
Listening to XM
Tuning Categories and Channels
The XM channels are arranged by categories. Pressing the select button enters first
channel in that category. The Left and Right Arrow buttons move Sportscaster
forward or backward through the available XM categories. The Up and Down Arrow
buttons are then used to tune to a channel from within the selected category. After
displaying the desired channel, press the select button to tune that channel.
You can tune through all the available XM channels using the "All Channels" Category
option within the Category listings.
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You can select a channel directly by entering its channel number with the Remote
Control numeric buttons. Channel 12 can be entered as "1", followed by "2", and
pressing the Select button. You may also input "0", followed by "1", and "2".
Channel numbers which do not have channels assigned to them, that are blocked, or that
are not authorized for the Sportscaster will not be displayed during navigation.
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You can navigate to channel 0 or 1 from within the "All Channels" Category option or
by direct tuning via the Remote Control. Channel "0" displays the Radio ID, Channel
"1" is the XM preview channel
FAV (Favorite Channels)
The FAV feature allows you to store up to 30 of your favorite channels.
Press the FAV button and the display will show the following:
The top line will show FAV, the lower line shows the number of Favorites stored out
of the 30 locations available (X of 30 stored).