TORO GM 325-D Mitsubishi K3D Diesel Engine
Study Questions
1. Blue exhaust smoke indicates :
a. Excessive fuel
b. water in the combustion chamber.
c. High oil consumption.
d. Excessive engine load.
2. When performing a compression test, add oil to
the pistons before the test
a. True
b. False
3. Proper low idle setting is:
a. 1000 ± 100
b. 1000 ± 50
c. 1500 ±100
d. 1500 ± 50
4. Cylinder leakage of 50 % is acceptable
a. True
b. False
5. Maximum injection nozzle opening pressure is:
a. 1750 psi
b. 1850 psi
c. 1950 psi
d. 2000 psi
6. Injection nozzles should spray fuel in a solid
stream with large droplets.
a. True
b. False