Place the unit on a sturdy table or shelf where it cannot get
knocked over and where there is a clear line of sight to the
remote handset.
Make sure that there is a clearance of 10cm (4 inches) around
the unit for ventilation.
Placing the speakers
Unwrap the speaker wires from the ties securing them to the
back of each speaker.
Place a speaker on either side of the main unit, preferably
at the same height, and with at least 150mm between each
speaker and the main unit.
Connecting the speakers
Locate the block of 4 speaker terminals on the back of 1.
the unit,.
Lift the latches on the left channel speaker terminals as 2.
shown in the drawing.
Feed the wires from the left speaker into the two 3.
terminals, observing the colour code with the black-
striped wire connecting to the bottom black terminal.
Press the latches down to lock the wires in place.4.
Repeat to connect the right speaker to the right channel 5.
speaker terminals.
Check that the bare ends of the wires are not exposed 6.
and cannot touch together.