Sirius Satellite Radio XS025 Stereo Receiver User Manual

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The XS025 Boombox should be inspected periodically for external damage. At least once every 30 days of use,
perform the following checks:
Inspect the Boombox connector for loose, bent or broken pins, misalignment, etc.; make sure the SAT
connector is intact and has no apparent damage.
Make sure the power jack at the rear of the unit is free from damage of any kind and that the
adapter plug inserts correctly and securely.
Make sure the antenna jack at the rear of the unit is free from damage of any kind and that the
antenna lead plug inserts correctly and securely.
Check the antenna for any physical damage, make sure the antenna lead is secure and not nicked or
Inspect the overall Boombox for damage.
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When cleaning the Boombox, make sure the AC Adapter is unplugged from the power source. Do not use liquid
cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a lint-free cloth lightly dampened with water for cleaning the exterior of
Boombox only.