
Acoustic Probe
The Trinnov Optimizer: The $13,000 professional system comes home!
Until now, advanced room correction systems attempted to compensate for deficiencies and errors in loudspeaker frequency re-
sponse on a speaker-by-speaker basis. While somewhat effective, these methods made no effort to recreate the original performance.
Their intent was to smooth in-room speaker response.
The advanced mathematicians and acousticians who developed the Trinnov Optimizer took a larger view. They set out to recreate
the 3-dimensional soundfield of the original performance. In this endeavor, accurate channel-by-channel frequency response is only a
starting point. Trinnov’s task also required the ability to accurately measure and then relo-
cate the apparent sound source until it was identical to the original.
To accurately identify speaker response, placement and room modes, the Optimizer uses
a 4-capsule Acoustic Probe to measure the room and speaker system in three dimensions,
reports the results, calculates appropriate playback filters and uses the calcu-
lated digital IIR and FIR filters to optimize both speaker response and speaker
placement. The Optimizer can raise or lower the sonic location of an out of
plane speaker or shift the entire sound stage without relocating even a single
speaker. With Trinnov and Newcastle you can put the loudspeakers where
they fit, use the Optimizer to overcome the shortcomings of speaker place-
ment, speaker response and room interaction and still receive virtually perfect
Performance graphs: System measurements made by the R-972 can be
saved to a USB drive. When that data is uploaded to Trinnov’s site, detailed
performance graphs can be viewed, evaluated and printed. There is no limit
to the number of times an R-972 owner can use this features.
Target Curves: Every room correction system must work to a target. On
the R-972, the original performance targets include: Laboratory flat, Audio-
phile, Accurate and Front. When the filters to achieve these targets have been implemented,
the user can select to remap his speakers so they conform to either the ITU Standard for Sur-
round Music or the SMPTE Cinema Standard. These choices can even be stored by input making
it easy to assign the Audiophile target with ITU remapping for the CD input and to use the
Accurate target with SMPTE Cinema remapping for DVD’s.
The R-972 is fully equipped for whole-house audio/video. It supports 3-Zone operation with independent preamp
level audio and video available for Zone 2 with audio, only, available in Zone 3. Like many current receivers, the R-
972 can use the rear-center surround amplifiers to fully power the speakers for Zone 2 or it can be configured in
Room 2 Automatic mode. When in Automatic, the receiver changes from 7.1 operation to 5.1 plus stereo (for Zone
2) when required preserving the complete presentation in the main room.
The R-972 has already received the Innovations 2008 award from the Consumer Electronics Show. One can predict
that the Innovations award will be the first of many.
Stellar Video Performance
Silicon Optix Reon processor scales and deinterlaces all
incoming video to High Def resolutions and sends it to
your display over HDMI.
Matchless Audio
Hear exactly what the artist intended. The R-972 de-
codes and plays the lossless audio formats found on
select BluRay and HD-DVD titles.
Multizone capable
The R-972 can send independent material to each of 3
different zones. It even switches from 7.1 in the main
room to 5.1 plus stereo as necessary to power Zone 2.
The R-972’s owners can use the receiver’s USB capa-
bility and the internet to verify the Optimizer’s per-
formance in their system.