regulatory approvals and clearances
This transmitter is authorized by rule under the Low
Power Radio Service (47 C.F.R. Part 95) and must
not cause harmful interference to TV reception or
United States Navy SPASUR installations. You do
not need an FCC license to operate this transmitter.
This transmitter may only be used to provide: audi-
tory assistance to persons with disabilities, persons
who require language translation, or persons in edu-
cational settings; health care services to the ill; law
enforcement tracking services under agreement with
a law enforcement agency; or automated maritime
telecommunications system (AMTS) network control
communications. Two-way voice communications
and all other types of uses not mentioned above are
expressly prohibited.
This device may not interfere with TV reception or
federal government radar, and must accept any inter-
ference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
exposure compliance requirements, only use sup-
plied antenna that is sold with this transmitter.
Use of any other antenna which has not been
approved by the manufacturer will violate FCC
rules and regulation and void the user’s authority
to operate this device. This device and its antenna(s)
must not be co-located or operating in conjunction
with any other antenna or transmitter.
4724 Radium 216 User Guide 2/28/05 10:15 AM Page 67