Plantronics CS70 Setup Guide
Press Call
Control Button
4. Press the Call Control Button on the headset.
This will activate the Handset Lifter and lift the
handset from the phone.
If you hear a dial tone, the lifter height is set
correctly and needs no adjustment.
Please continue with the next section “Mount the
Lifter in Permanent Position”.
5. If you do not hear a dial tone, the Lifter may not
be raising the handset high enough OR the
Conguration Dial may need adjusting. Continue to
step 6.
Handset Lifter Arm
Lifter viewed
from back
2. While wearing your headset, slide the Handset Lifter Arm under the handset until the
lifter base touches the side of the phone.
3. Slide the Lifter up to where it nearly touches the handset earpiece.
Start with Lifter
Height Switch in
lowest position
Slide Lifter under
handset, then up
toward the ear piece
1. Set the Lifter Height Switch to the lowest setting.
B. Determine Lifter position and height setting