Noise Canceling Headphone
Specifications Product highlights
• Acoustic system: Open
• Active noise attenuation: 50-1,500Hz, >10dB at
• Diaphragm: Mylar dome
• Frequency response: 40 - 20 000 Hz
• Impedance: 72 Ohm at 1kHz 72 Ohm
• Magnet type: Neodymium
• Maximum power input: 15 mW
• Noise canceling effect: ~10 dB at 300 Hz
• Sensitivity: 102 dB
• Speaker diameter: 9 mm
• Type: Dynamic
• Voice coil: Copper
• Cable length: 1.2 m
• Connector: 3.5 mm stereo
• Finishing of connector: Chrome plated
• Type of cable: OFC
• Adaptor plug: Yes, 3.5-6.3 mm
• Airplane plug: Yes, 2 * 3.5 mm
• Battery: Yes, 1.5V Battery R03/AAA
• Storage pouch
Inner Carton
• Gross weight: 1.228 lb
• Inner carton (L x W x H): 5.3 x 4.9 x 10.2 inch
• Nett weight: .258 lb
• Tare weight: .97 lb
Outer Carton
• Gross weight: 9.656 lb
• Outer carton (L x W x H):
x 10.2 x 20.3 inch
• Nett weight: 2.064 lb
• Tare weight: 7.592 lb
Packaging dimensions
• Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):
x 9.1 x 1.5 inch
• Gross weight: .289 lb
• Nett weight: .086 lb
• Tare weight: .203 lb
Issue date 2008-11-15
Version: 5.0.6
12 NC: 9082 100 05592
UPC: 0 26616 02879 5
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
70% Noise Canceling
Smart noise canceling technology enhances the pleasure
of listening to lower volume levels in noisy environments.
It's particularly good at removing low-frequencies like jet
engine noise, so you can enjoy soft music on flights, and
in trains and similar places without hearing a distracting
buzz in the background. The technology actual creates
an equal but opposite waveform to the unwanted noise
that effectively cancels it out.
Create a perfect seal
A perfect seal between your ear and headphone will
significantly reduce unwanted background noise. With
their superb noise isolating characteristics these
headphones not only block out irritating background
noise but also deliver superb sound quality at low volume
Neck strap wearing style
For the most convenient neck strap wearing style simply
loop the cable over your head and hang the control box
from your neck. The integrated cable slide provides
added support.
For optimal fit in all ears
With a choice of 3 interchangeable ear caps from size
small to large, surely there is a pair that fits your ear
Small control box
The miniature electronics are cleverly packaged into the
specially designed small control box.
Airplane adaptor included
Use your own headphones to listen to in-flight
entertainment. The adaptor simply converts the standard
double-mono jacks to a stereo headphone jack.
Audio jack adaptor included
With this adaptor, you can use your headphone on
equipment with either 3.5 or 6.35 mm jacks, giving you
a wider choice of audio devices.
1.2 meter cable
The ideal cable length to give you the freedom to put your
audio device where you want.