Philips MZ3 Stereo System User Manual

MZ3 / 22 page 12
RDS News and Traffic Announcement (TA)
You may set up the tuner in such a way that listening to
any sourceis interrupted by the news of a RDS station. This
only works if the RDS station broadcasts a NEWS signal
while sending the news.
1 Tune to the desired RDS station.
2 Press NEWS/TA once or more on the remote control to
select the news option.
NEWS ON, TA ON or OFF is displayed briefly.
is displayed if you have activated the NEWS or
TA option and NEWS ON or TA ON is shown briefly.
Changing listening source will not disarm the
When you receive RDS news or traffic announcements
during CD playback, playback will pause and you will be
able to hear the NEWS/TA. NEWS flashes in the display
during the broadcast. Playback resumes after the
broadcast has finished.
If you are using the RDS NEWS/TA announcement with
an EON station, the whole network is searched for the
respective NEWS/TA.
Disarming RDS News and Traffic Announcement
There are a number of ways to disarm the news feature:
Press NEWS/TA on the remote control during reception
of the news option.
Press standby on the set or remote control.
Tune to a non-RDS-station.
Environmental information
All unnecessary packaging material has been omitted. We
have done our utmost to make the packaging easy to sepa-
rate into three mono-materials: cardboard (box), expanda-
ble polystyrene (buffer), polyethylene (bags, protective
Your set consists of materials which can be recycled if dis-
assembled by a specialized company. Please observe the
local regulations regarding the disposal of packing
materials, exhausted batteries and old equipment.