• The icon always highlights in blue. Change
to red when the monitor detects motion.
(for Apple)
• The icon is in blue/gray when motion
red exclamatory mark when the monitor
detects motion. (for Android)
: Audio alert:
• The icon always highlights in blue. Change
to red when the monitor detects audio.
(for Apple)
• The icon is in blue/gray when audio alert
exclamatory mark when the monitor
detects audio. (for Android)
: Share Monitor:
• The icon highlights in blue when you share
your monitor to your friend. The icon is
hide when you disable share to your friend.
(for Apple)
• The icon highlights in blue when your share
your monitor to you friends. Change to
gray when you disable share to your friend.
(for Android)
: Monitor list: list all your monitors.
: Alert list: list the alerts from your monitors.
: Settings: settings and options for monitors.
ForAndroiddevice,pressMENU to access the
My Monitors (My Monitor) tab: Lists your
Friend’s (Friend's) tab: View monitor’s video
shared by your friends.
Add (Add) tab: Add additional monitors. (for
Apple device)
Add monitors(Add monitors) tab: Add
additional monitors. PressMENU to access the
menu. (for Android device)
Take a photo
1) Tap the thumbnail of the monitor on tab.
2) Tap to take a picture. The picture is stored
on your smartphone.
Record video
1) Tap the thumbnail of the monitor on tab.
2) Tap to record a video. The video is
directly uploaded to your private Dropbox
account. You can register yourself for a free
account (account)’.
Motion alert
• Beforesettingupmotionalertandaudioalert,make
sure that a Dropbox account is created.
If the monitor detects a movement within a
an alert from your smartphone or tablet. You
have an overview of all alerts in the list. To
account details in:
• For Apple: ’Settings’-’Monitors
(monitors)’-’Online (online)’-’Dropbox
recording (Dropbox recording)’.
• ForAndroid:‘Settings’–‘General (general)’
- ’Dropbox account (Dropbox account)’.
• Youcanclearalerts,deletealerts,andlteralertsbythe
monitor name if your smart phone or tablet is linked to
a Dropbox account.(for Android only)
• Make sure that the Alerts enabled isenabledin‘
Set-up Motion Alert:
For Apple:
1) Tap ,andselectamonitorfromthe
Monitors (Monitors) tab. Tap to enable
motion alert.