Type Semiconductor laser
Wave length 650 - 660 nm (DVD)
784 - 796 nm (CD)
Output Power 6 mW (DVD)
7 mW (VCD/CD)
Beam divergence 60 degrees
Manufactured under license from Dolby
Laboratories. Dolby, Pro Logic, and the double-D
symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby
Manufactured under license under U.S. Patent
#’s: 5,451,942; 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 5,978,762;
6,487,535 & other U.S. and worldwide patents
issued & pending. DTS and DTS Digital
Surround are registered trademarks and the
DTS logos and Symbol are trademarks of DTS,
Inc. © 1996-2007 DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DivX, DivX Ultra Certifi ed, and associated logos
are trademarks of DivX, Inc. and are used under
Offi cial DivX® Ultra Certifi ed product.
Plays all versions of DivX ® video (including
DivX ® 6) with enhanced playback of DivX®
media fi les and the DivX® Media Format.
Windows Media and the Windows logo are
trademarks, or registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/
or other countries.
HDMI, and HDMI logo and High-Defi nition
Multimedia Interface are trademarks or
registered trademarks of HDMI licensing LLC.
The USB-IF Logos are trademarks of Universal
Serial Bus Implementers Forum, Inc.
1_fts6000_12_eng3_final.indd 41_fts6000_12_eng3_final.indd 4 2008-09-03 11:54:58 AM2008-09-03 11:54:58 AM