
Use of high-quality premium cables is recommended for the QW 118P. These cables typically have better
shielding and materials and will provide greater long-term reliability. It is also a good idea to leave some slack
at each end of the cable connection and tape the cables down or run them under a cable guard to avoid
VVoolluummee CCoonnttrrooll AAddjjuussttmmeenntt
The QW 118P is equipped with a Master System Level volume control (6). When the Master System Level
volume control adjusted fully clockwise, gain is at maximum and the input sensitivity is 0.375 V RMS for full-
rated output. When this control is set halfway up, gain is unity and 1.5 VRMS will drive the system to full power
output. When driving the QW 118P from a mixer, it may be advantageous to reduce the input sensitivity by
turning the volume control to the halfway point. At this setting, the QW 118P will more closely match a typical
power amp input.
The amplifiers in the QW 118P are equipped with DDT
. This unit also includes an LED (11) that illuminates
when DDT is activated. This LED is located next to the Master System level. The DDT circuit will automatically
reduce the channel gain to a level just slightly into clipping, guarding the speakers against the damaging high
power continuous square waves that may be produced. Situations that may activate the DDT circuit include
uncontrolled feedback, oscillations, improper equipment settings or malfunction upstream from the amplifier.
Always turn on any peripheral units before turning on the QW 118P. Also, make sure the Master System level is
completely down (fully counterclockwise) before turning the unit ON.
AAddjjuussttiinngg tthhee kkoossmmooss
PPrroocceessssiinngg LLeevveell
The amount of kosmos processing is controlled by the Master System Level knob. In order to achieve more sub-
harmonic processing, turn the Master System Level (6) up, and the Level/Quake knob (7a) down.
When using the QW 118P with a passive, full-range speaker system, the relationship between the Master
System Level and the Quake/Sub Level will determine the balance between the overall subwoofer output and
the high frequencies that are sent to the left and right speaker outputs (9). The amount of kosmos processing
that occurs will not be able to be controlled independently. It can, however, be bypassed using the Bypass
switch (7c).
When using the QW 118P with a powered, full-range speaker system from the line-level high pass outputs (8),
the powered full-range speaker system will usually have their own volume control. This will allow the high
frequency level to be set independently. However, the kosmos Xpanse control (7b) for adjusting the stereo
spread can only be adjusted at the QW 118P subwoofer.
HHiigghh PPaassss OOuuttppuuttss
These are low impedance, filtered outputs provided to send the high frequencies to a powered speaker or a
conventional power amp and speaker system. The output level is set by the Master System level control on the
QW 118P.
The nominal polarity of these outputs is pin 2 positive and can be run directly into most full-range, powered
speaker systems.
If you experience hum or related ground loop problems, it might help to lift the shield ground on the balanced
XLR cable at the QW 118P end. This can be accomplished via the convenient ground lift switch (10b) located
underneath the high pass output jack group. Check any input changes carefully. Always turning the Volume
control down before plugging and unplugging cables or switching ground lift switches.
LLeefftt aanndd RRiigghhtt OOuuttppuuttss
These outputs will supply a full-range, 8 Ohm minimum speaker system with a high-passed amplifier signal
when using the QW 118P as a three-piece system. The Xpanse control (7b) will expand the stereo sound stage
and add high frequency processing to these outputs.